Monday, December 1, 2014

human communication- chapter 5

One is verbal message and another is non verbal message.Today we talk about verbal massage. Verbal is being an effective communicator requires more than knowing the rules of grammar and using describe your message or information to receiver.There are six principles of verbal messages. (1)1st is Message Meaning Are in People. Meaning to say we should understand that message meaning are channelled through people because different people may say different things, but mean the same thing or different people may say the same things but different meaning.(2)Next will be Message/Languages Are Denotative and Connotative. Denotative is meaning word's objective definition, the dictionary meaning and Connotative meaning a word's subjective or emotional meaning . The examples of connotative is snarl words(negative words) and purr words(positive words). (3) besides that will be Meaning Depend on Context/Abstraction.When you ask "How are you?" it can means hello or ask about your health.But somehow the meaning can be influenced by culture. Principle of Cooperation means in communicating people are engaged in a cooperative effort to help each other. The principle of cooperation includes four maxims.There are the maxims of quality(be truthful), the maxim of relation(relevant to the conversation), the maxim of manner(be clear), and the maxim of quantity(be informative). Principle of Peaceful Relations is keeping peace in a relationship takes precedence over expressing disagreement. Principle of Face-Saving is never embarrass anyone, especially in public. Principle of Self-Denigration is avoid taking credit for accomplishment to yourself, at the same time raise the image of other people. (4)Message Vary in Politeness. Politeness is universal across all cultures; however, differences exist concerning how politeness is defined, expressed, and honoured and directness usually lesser polite than indirectness because it allows people to express a desire without insulting or offending anyone to ask for compliments in a socially messages can be overly ambiguous and easily misunderstood. (5) Messages Vary in Assertiveness means that Assertive people are willing to asserts their own rights to speak their minds and welcome others' doing likewise. However assertiveness is not all the time desirable.The stage of communicating assertiveness is describe the problem, state how this problem affect you, propose solution, and confirm understanding. (6)Messages Can Deceive. For example lying is an act of sending messages with the intention of giving another person false information. the purpose of lying is Pro-Social Deception, Self-Enhancement Deception, Selfish Deception and Anti-Social Deception.
The first subtopic that lecturer thought us is Disconfirmation and Confirmation .It will affect by racism(language/message).In order to avoid racist is do not generalize and connect extremist attacks, avoid interacting with members of other races through stereotypes perpetuated by the media, avoid using derogatory terms for member of a particular race. Besides, Sexism (to practice or support favoritism that criticizes or having a bias towards a specific gender) is also a factor of disconfirmation and confirmation .What the people's initial thinking is Men is superior than women .The suggestion to avoid sexist is do not insult or attribute others according to gender bias, avoid using an generically, refrain from using he and his as generic. Instead, you can alternate pronoun, restructure your sentences to eliminate any reference go gander, or use he and she or him or her or rephrase to plural form. Heterosexism(attitudes, behaviors and language used to disparage gays and lesbians, language that presumes all people are heterosexual) is giving a very big confirmation and disconfirmation to them. to avoid the heterosexist language is avoiding offensive nonverbal mannerisms that parody stereotypes, avoiding "complimenting" gay men and lesbians on their heterosexual appearance., and avoiding assunming and individual gay person can speak for all gay people. Other than that ageism also one of the issue that the people discrimination against the old and against aging. In order to avoid the ageism is avoiding put off someone because she or he is older, being patient with older folks-they might just have a problem when listening, don't assume older people are not interested in relationship, and don't assume older people are not interested in the world around them.
    How do we using verbal message effectively? (1) Message/language can symbolize reality which means messages are often used to represent the things events, situations or even the people around us. Therefore, we must be clear that an accurate message doesn't represent the reality, they only symbolizes reality.(2) Messages/language expresses both facts and inference which means messages are always infused with our emotions, thoughts, and feeling. (3) Messages/languages can be relatively static which means messages or words/terms used are formed as part of our judgment and perception, but how often do we 'update' our perception??? Such incidence is called a "static Evaluation" the tendency to retain an evaluation despite changes in a person of thing; failing to recognize the past does not necessarily dictate the present or the future.(4) Last will be messages/languages can obscure distinction which means messages can be confusing and can over generalize contexts and surrounding, blurring distinctions between people, objects and events. Therefore we should be focused on the perceived message, the individual and the context and not adopting extreme thinking and examples.