Sunday, October 26, 2014

Human communication- listening

                    Everyday we meet up a lot of people, we contact to different kind of people. So, we have to important skill in listening. Listening is the process of receiving, constructing meaning from and responding to spoken and/ or non-verbal messages. For example, when we have to order food, between customer and staff, they must have good communication and listening. If not, they will fight cause of one bowl of noodles. 
                  Furthermore, have 5 stages of listening. First, receiving is focus attention on the speaker , avoid distraction in the environment, refrain from thinking about how you will respond and maintain your role of listener by not interrupting.Second, understanding is relate the speaker's information to what you already know, see the speaker's messages from the speaker's point of view and ask questions or clarification and rephrase speaker's ideas to facilitate mutual understanding. 

                   Third ,  remembering is identify speaker's main ideas and supporting evidence, summarize messages in ways that are easy for you to retain and repeat names and key concepts to yourself. Fourth, evaluating is resist evaluation until fully understand the speaker's point, assume the speaker is a person of  goodwill, distinguish facts from inferences and opinions and identify any biases, self-interest, or prejudices that may influence the speaker's messages. fifth,responding as feedback. is express support for the speaker by using varied back channeling cues, express support for the speaker in your final responses and take ownership of responses by using 'I' messages.

This is what i think important of chapter 3.  

Monday, October 6, 2014

Human communication-Perception

              Before the class start, we revise what we learned last week. As what is communication, the areas of human communication. The areas of human communication include intrapersonal communication, interpersonal communication, small group & organizational communication, public communication and mass communication. But I just remember intrapersonal and interpersonal communication, first is about talk to mirror and second one is interpersonal is talk to another. Sorry Sir, i just remember this two, i will revise it all.  And also the components of human communication and the purpose of human communication.
Basn                     Based on this picture, have many answer for how many leg of the elephant? Someone think that have 4, 6, 8. In human communication, we called perception. Perception is the impression that others give you and what you project to others. The process of perception first is the sense organs are stimulated, second is organized according to various principles an third is subjective process. The first stage is about you perceived smtg meaningful and not perceiving what is not meaningful. The second stage have proximity and closure principle. Proximity is people or msg are close to another one. Closure is smtg is in reality unclosed or incomplete.  The third stage is involving evaluations on the part of the perceiver.
In ad                    In addition, have 5 categorise about the processes influencing perception.  First is implicit personality theory, the halo effect, means individuals who have good traits and another one is reverse halo effect means individuals who have bad traits. The self-fulfilling prophecy is which one make prediction and then proceeds to fulfil, also known as pygmalion effect. Primacy-recency is use early information to provide yourself with a general idea of what a person is like. Consistency is you expect certain things to go tgt and other  things not to go tgt. 
Attri                    Attribution is the process through which you try discover why people do what they do and even why you do what you do.
Principles of attribution
1.Consensus (do other people behave the same way as the person on whom I am focusing?)
2.Consistency (do this person repeatedly behaves the same way in similar situation?)
3.Distinctiveness (do this person act similar ways in different situations?)
4.Controllability (do this person was in control of his/her behavior? )
                 Last part is about the critical perception, include analyse impressions, check perceptions, reduce uncertainty and increase cultural sensitivity.